get_best_tree selects (looks up and identifies) the best tree (as an integer) from the set (or “fan”) of FFTs contained in the current FFTrees object x, an existing type of data ('train' or 'test'), and a goal for which corresponding statistics are available in the designated data type (in x$trees$stats).

get_best_tree(x, data, goal, my.goal.max = TRUE)



An FFTrees object.


The type of data to consider (as character: either 'train' or 'test').


A goal (as character) to be maximized or minimized when selecting a tree from an existing FFTrees object x (with existing x$trees$stats).


Default direction for user-defined my.goal (as logical): Should my.goal be maximized? Default: my.goal.max = TRUE.


An integer denoting the tree that maximizes/minimizes goal in data.


Importantly, get_best_tree only identifies and selects the `tree` identifier (as an integer) from the set of existing trees with known statistics, rather than creating new trees or computing new cue thresholds. More specifically, goal is used for identifying and selecting the `tree` identifier (as an integer) of the best FFT from an existing set of FFTs, but not for computing new cue thresholds (see goal.threshold and fftrees_cuerank()) or creating new trees (see and fftrees_ranktrees()).

See also

FFTrees for creating FFTs from and applying them to data.

Other utility functions: get_exit_type(), get_fft_df()