print.FFTrees prints basic information on FFTs for an FFTrees object x.

As x may not contain test data, print.FFTrees by default prints the performance characteristics for training data (i.e., fitting), rather than for test data (i.e., for prediction). When test data is available, specify data = "test" to print prediction performance.

# S3 method for FFTrees
print(x = NULL, tree = 1, data = "train", ...)



An FFTrees object created by FFTrees.


The tree to be printed (as an integer, only valid when the corresponding tree argument is non-empty). Default: tree = 1. To print the best training or best test tree with respect to the goal specified during FFT construction, use "best.train" or "best.test", respectively.


The type of data in x to be printed (as a string) or a test dataset (as a data frame).

  • A valid data string must be either 'train' (for fitting performance) or 'test' (for prediction performance).

  • For a valid data frame, the specified tree is evaluated and printed for this data (as 'test' data), but the global FFTrees object x remains unchanged unless it is re-assigned.

By default, data = 'train' (as x may not contain test data).


additional arguments passed to print.


An invisible FFTrees object x

and summary information on an FFT printed to the console (as side effect).

See also

plot.FFTrees for plotting FFTs; summary.FFTrees for summarizing FFTs; inwords for obtaining a verbal description of FFTs; FFTrees for creating FFTs from and applying them to data.