
An R package to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees.......Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love heuristics.

Nathaniel Phillips, Economic Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland
SPUDM 2017, Haifa, Israel

How can people make good decisions based on limited, noisy information?

Limited Time. Limited information.

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Heart Attack Diagnosis

  • How do doctors make decisions? Experience. Intuition. Clinical judgment

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  • In a Michigan hospital, doctors sent 90% of patients to the ICU, although only 25% were actually having a heart attack.

Emergency Room Solution: a fast-and-frugal tree (FFT)

  • A fast-and-frugal decision tree (FFT) developed by Green & Mehr (1997).
  • Tree cut the false-alarm rate in half
  • Tree is transparent, easy to modify, and accepted by physicians (unlike regression).

What is a fast-and-frugal decision tree (FFT)?

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Green & Mehr (1997) "What alters physicians' decisions to admit to the coronary care unit?"

Fast-and-Frugal Decision Tree (FFT)

  • An FFT is a decision tree with exactly two branches from each node, where one, or both, of the branches are exit branches (Martignon et al., 2008)

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Examples of FFTs

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But how can I create FFTs?

  • Need an algorithm (and preferably software)
Algorithms Software
Standard Decision Trees CART, CHAID SPSS, Excel, R, Matlab, ...
Fast-and-Frugal Trees (FFTs) Max, Zig-zag (Martignon et al., 2003; 2008) ?
  • Missing: An easy to use toolbox that creates and visualizes FFTs based on data.

  • Answer: FFTrees

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If you don't like things for free (R), you can pay IBM SPSS $680 / year to make standard decision trees.

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Martignon, Katsikopoulos & Woike (2008)


  • A package to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees.
  • Minimal programming, extensive examples and guides, informative visualizations.
# 3 Steps to getting started

install.packages("FFTrees") # Install
library("FFTrees")          # Load 
FFTrees_guide()             # Open guide

   / \     
F   0  
     / \   
    F   T  
 FFTrees v1.3.3

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Tutorial and Documentation

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Example: Heart Disease

age sex cp trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak slope ca thal diagnosis
63 1 ta 145 233 1 hypertrophy 150 0 2.3 down 0 fd 0
67 1 a 160 286 0 hypertrophy 108 1 1.5 flat 3 normal 1
67 1 a 120 229 0 hypertrophy 129 1 2.6 flat 2 rd 1
37 1 np 130 250 0 normal 187 0 3.5 down 0 normal 0
41 0 aa 130 204 0 hypertrophy 172 0 1.4 up 0 normal 0
56 1 aa 120 236 0 normal 178 0 0.8 up 0 normal 0

Goal: Predict binary diagnosis classification

The FFTrees() function

# Step 1: Install and load FFTrees (v.1.3.2)

# Step 2: Create FFTs
heart.fft <- FFTrees(formula = diagnosis ~.,  # Formula
                     data = heart.train,      # Training data
                     data.test = heart.test,  # Test data
                     main = "Heart Disease",  # Optional labels
                     decision.labels = c("Low-Risk", "High-Risk"))

Print an FFTrees object

Heart Disease
7 FFTs predicting diagnosis (Low-Risk v High-Risk)
FFT #1 uses 3 cues: {thal,cp,ca}

                   train   test
cases       :n    150.00 153.00
speed       :mcu    1.74   1.73
frugality   :pci    0.88   0.88
accuracy    :acc    0.80   0.82
weighted    :wacc   0.80   0.82
sensitivity :sens   0.82   0.88
specificity :spec   0.79   0.76

pars: algorithm = 'ifan', goal = 'wacc', goal.chase = 'bacc', sens.w = 0.5

Print a tree "in words"

[1] "If thal = {rd,fd}, predict High-Risk"            
[2] "If cp != {a}, predict Low-Risk"  
[3] "If ca <= 0, predict Low-Risk, otherwise, if ca > 0, predict High-Risk"
cue definition Possible values
thal: thallium scintigraphy How well blood flows to the heart normal (n)fixed defect (fd), or reversible defect (rd)
cp: chest pain type Type of chest pain typical angina (ta), atypical angina (aa), non-anginal pain (np), or asymptomatic (a).
ca: number of major vessels colored by flourosopy 0, 1, 2, 3
plot(heart.fft, stats = FALSE, data = "test")
## Error in plot(heart.fft, stats = FALSE, data = "test"): object 'heart.fft' not found
plot(heart.fft, data = "test")  # Training data
## Error in plot(heart.fft, data = "test"): object 'heart.fft' not found

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plot(heart.fft, data = "test", tree = 6)   # Testing data, tree 6
## Error in plot(heart.fft, data = "test", tree = 6): object 'heart.fft' not found
plot(heart.fft, data = "test", tree = 7)   # Testing data, tree 7
## Error in plot(heart.fft, data = "test", tree = 7): object 'heart.fft' not found

How well can simple FFTs compete with classical rational models and cutting-edge machine learning algorithms?

Prediction Simulation

  • 10 datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Database.
  • 50% Training, 50% Testing
  • FFTrees vs rpart, regression, random forests...
  • Criterion: Balanced accuracy
    • mean(sensitivity, specificity)

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## Error in plot(mushrooms.fft): object 'mushrooms.fft' not found
## Growing FFTs with ifan
## Fitting non-FFTrees algorithms for comparison (you can turn this off with comp = FALSE) ...

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## Growing FFTs with ifan
## Fitting non-FFTrees algorithms for comparison (you can turn this off with comp = FALSE) ...

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Speed and frugality

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Speed and frugality

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Fitting Accuracy

## Error in subset(FFTrees.mlr.df, ((algorithm == "SVM" & task.id %in% c("arrhythmia", : object 'FFTrees.mlr.df' not found
## Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...): plot.new has not been called yet

Prediction Accuracy

## Error in subset(FFTrees.mlr.df, ((algorithm == "SVM" & task.id %in% c("arrhythmia", : object 'FFTrees.mlr.df' not found
## Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...): plot.new has not been called yet

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Publication and Collaborators

FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees. (2017). Judgment and Decision Making, 12(4), 344-368.

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FFTrees Unfriendly Data

  • Many cues, weak validity, ind errors

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FFTrees Friendly Data

  • Few cues with high validity, dep errors.

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Cue importance

  • As calculated by randomForest
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'heart.fft' not found
## Error in rownames(heart.fft$comp$rf$model$importance): object 'heart.fft' not found
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'heart.importance' not found
## Error in yarrr::pirateplot(formula = importance ~ cue, data = heart.importance, : object 'heart.importance' not found

Tree Building Algorithm

  1. For each cue (aka, feature), calculate a threshold that maximizes goal.chase (default: balanced accuracy)
  2. Rank order cues by goal.chase
  3. Select the top max.levels (default: 4)
  4. Create a "fan" of all possible trees with all possible exit directions.
  5. Select the tree that maximizes goal (default: balanced accuracy)

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How accurate can FFTs be?

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How accurate can FFTs be?

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Why use FFTrees?

  • See how, and how well, a crazy simple, transparent fast-and-frugal tree can make sense of your data.
  • You might be surprised by how well it works, and generate new insights.
   / \     
0   b  
     / \   
    0   1  
 FFTrees v1.3.2
## Growing FFTs with ifan
## Fitting non-FFTrees algorithms for comparison (you can turn this off with comp = FALSE) ...

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Create a forest of FFTs

heart.fff <- FFForest(formula = diagnosis ~., data = heartdisease)

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