

Here are my core principles which guide my work and life:

  1. Useful. If it’s not useful, then what’s the point?
  2. Clear. Nothing frustrates me more than unnecessary complexity - especially if its intentional.
  3. Respectful. We don’t all share the same values, and beliefs. That’s a good thing.
  4. Resourceful. Real world decision making always involves constraints - wasted resources here could have been used elsewhere.
  5. Humble. I’ve been wrong before, and I’ll be wrong again.


Degree Institution Focus Note
B.A. Grinnell College Mathematics Studying mathematics has always been one of my greatest pleasures. Grinnell’s Burling Library was my happy place
M.S. Ohio University Quantitative Psychology
Ph.D. University of Basel Cognitive Psychology

Work Experience

Here is a selection of my work experience. See my LinkedIn page for a more detailed history.

Position Institution Note
Pre-Doctoral Researcher Max Planck Institute for Human Development Paradise for decision-making research thanks to Gerd Gigerenzer, Ralph Hertwig and where I discovered a love of R with my fellow PhD student Dirk Wulff
Postdoctoral Researcher University of Konstanz Developing FFTrees with Hansjoerg Neth and Wolfgang Gaissmaier was a turning point for the rest of my career
Postdoctoral Researcher University of Basel
Real World Data Scientist Roche Where I learned how real world science is done by teams and what a great manager looks like (thank you Robert Walls)
Quantitative Scientist Flatiron Health Best culture and teams I’ve ever been a part of. Grateful to people like Olivier Humblet, Caleb Jordan, Daniel Obeng, Conal Scanlon, John Zielinksi (and so many more) for teaching and supporting me during my time there.
CTO, Co-Founder Plinth Analytics The thrill of a lifetime with my co-founder and friend Kieran Mace, along with rockstar data scientists Nicole Mirea, Parker Barnes

Presentations and Videos

Here are some presentations and recordings of me speaking at various conferences, as well as some teaching course materials.

Title Venue
FlatironKitchen: How we overhauled a Frankensteinian SQL workflow with the Tidyverse RStudio Conf (2019)
FFTrees: An R package to create, visualise and use fast and frugal decision trees useR! (2017)
Using R to Derive Robust Insights from Real-World Health Care Data R/Pharma (2022)
TStat R Lecture #7: Loops in R Introduction to R Programming course at the University of Konstanz (see all course videos here)


Here are the two publications I’m most proud of, see all of them at Google Scholar

Title Authors Journal Note
FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees Phillips, N.D., Neth, H., Woike, J.K., Gaissmaier, W. Judgment and Decision Making
Rivals in the dark: How competition influences search in decisions under uncertainty ND Phillips, R Hertwig, Y Kareev, J Avrahami Cognition

Open Source Projects

Most of my projects are proprietary, but here are some open source projects that I contribute to

Title Description Status
FFTrees A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision trees Active
yarrr A package for creating pirate plots in R Active