
Here are some of my favorite resources - a mixture of books, tutorials, blogs, podcasts and YouTube, and software.


Here are some of my favorite books

Title Author Note
The Design of Everyday Things Donald A. Norman As applicable to programming as it is to the design of toilets
The First 90 Days Michael D. Watkins A great resource for anyone starting a new job - recommended by Lura Long
The Checklist Manifesto Atul Gawande Gawande is one of my favorite writers at the intersection of science and medicine.
How big things get done Bent Flyvbjerg, Dan Gardner Should be required reading for anyone working on projects with teams - recommended by Nicole Mirea
R for Data Science Hadley Wickham, Garrett Grolemund A great resource for learning R
Writing R Packages Hadley Wickham The bible of R package development
It Stephen King I just wish they would print it in two separate volumes


Here are some of my favorite online tutorials and guides

Title Author Notes
Survival Analysis in R Emily Zabor A great introduction to survival analysis in R (by a fellow Grinnellian!)


Here are some blogs I like by companies and people I admire

Title Notes
RStudio Blog The RStudio blog is a great resource for learning about new features in RStudio and R
Danielle Navarro Danielle Navarro is a cognitive scientist who writes about statistics and programming in R. I was :this: close to joining her for a Postdoc in Sydney. I often wonder how my life would have turn out differently if I had
Emily Riederer Emily Riederer is a leading voice in modern data science

Podcasts and YouTube

Here are some of my favorite podcasts and YouTube channels

Title Favorite Episodes
Cautionary Tales by Tim Harford Wrong Tools Cost Lives


Here are some of my favorite software tools

Tool Notes
Notion I use Notion for project management and note-taking
RStudio I use RStudio for all of my R programming
GitHub Copilot I use GitHub Copilot to help me write code